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New site!

Hi there, I'm rebuilding my site with Astro. This is the first blog post!


I’ve been wanting to try Astro for a while now — cause this content creator I like keeps saying good things about it — and I also wanted to rebuild my site. So, why not do both at the same time? My old website was just plain HTML and CSS, with Astro I can now do cooler things much easier. I have enjoyed my developer experience so far!

New domain name

I’ve also changed my domain name from to Now it’s just my first name, a lot easier to remeber and it looks clean. Also the .sh ending is cool. Cause shell scripts. Get it?

fork bomb

:(){ :|:& };:

The template I’ve used

Since I’m new to front end dev, I started with a template! I have used the Astro Cactus theme.

Going forward

I may start posting semi regularly now that I have this blog. I’ll probably post about my projects, things I find cool, and maybe some tutorials. To level up my writing skills and whatnot. Maybe I’ll start using my public twitter as well? Probably not.